Toiletries Donations to Pindari Hostel

Thanks to Peter & Karen

There are two living Aussie legends on the Sunshine Coast working miracles for those doing it tough. Karen and Peter are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They single-handedly distribute over 250,000 items year in year out to organisations, charities and those needing help. From blankets and sleeping bags to sanitary items and clothes, you name it, they send it where it’s required.


Small Business Vision was lucky enough to receive two huge boxes of toiletries for us to deliver to the Salvation Army’s Pindari Homeless Hostel in Fortitude Valley. These items, kindly donated by Karen and Peter, are now being included in the welcome packs so those just getting off the streets for the night can have a shower and feel clean – something most of us take for granted.


Thanks again Karen and Peter – You are both truly angels living amongst us! 

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