Website Optimisation

Website Optimisation

Owning a website is a lot like owning a car. They both require frequent servicing for the best performance. Without regular maintenance, things can go wrong. In the case of a website, not taking care of these small details could result in lower Google rankings, poor user experience or your site even being hacked due to security vulnerabilities.

Updates & Maintenance

From updating text and images to making important backend updates, we've got you covered.
Update your Site Now

SSL Certificate Integration

SSL certificates encrypt data being transmitted over the internet. Once installed, your site will show a closed padlock in the browser address bar and be https instead of http. SSL certificates are essential for e-commerce and Google rewards secured sites with better rankings.
Install SSL Certificate Now

Loading Speed Optimisation

Research shows visitors will leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Improved loading speed will also see you climbing up the Google rankings fast.
Supercharge your Sitte

Landing Page Creation

Make a great first impression with custom-built landing pages that wow visitors. You'll enjoy higher conversion rates and lower advertising costs with a professional landing page deisgned according to UX/UI principles
Put your Best Foot Forward

Live Chat & Social Sharing

Install a Facebook Messenger live chat button on your site and make it easier for potential customers to contact you directly. Add social sharing links to help visitors spread the word about your website.
Let's Start Talking

Thought about Adding a Pop-Up?

On-screen pop-ups can be used for a variety of purposes from gathering emails to promoting your latest offer. Pop-Ups can be triggered after a certain number of seconds, {3056e5380f583362e08f3326e2b2fc5a9ed4a6d58f141247f4652774789948db} of page read or exit-intent.
Wanna Get Poppin?

Loading Speed Optimisation Case Study


Small Business Vision were tasked with improving the loading speed for a local Brisbane mechanic workshop. Starting with a website that bordered on 3 seconds to load, we were able to reduce it by a full second. Additionally, their performance grade increased from at D (70/100) to a high B (90/100) mainly due to applying gZIP compression, browser caching and reducing HTTP requests. 

Email Pop-Up Example


Anywhere Hair and Makeup came to us wanting a way to collect the emails of people who visited their site. Our solution was an attractive pop-up integrated with Mail Chimp which is a popular email app. Emails gathered via the website are automatically added to their Mail Chimp audiences, allowing them to market to thier subscribers by sending out monthly newsletters, special offers and a whole lot more.

Facebook Messenger Live Chat Functionality Case Study


In this example, our client was looking for an effective way to communicate directly with leads in real time. Our answer was installing a Facebook Messenger live chat system. This enabled our client to recieve messages directly on his phone, an important consideration given he’s often on the road.

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